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Please take time to carefully read the information below. These are important topics that apply to your child's daily attendance as well as issues that occur on a frequent basis.


Please try to have your child present and on time each day.

  • A note/email from the parent will be accepted as an excuse for up to five (5) days total when the student is absent. After that point, an excuse from a physician or court will be required.
  • The written excuses/emails for absences must be sent within three (3) days of the student returning to school. If no note is received, the absence will be marked unexcused.
  • Students arriving after 7:55 AM must be signed in by the parent in the school office.
  • Students with fifteen (15) unexcused tardies and/or 15 early checkouts can be referred to Early Warning.
  • If a student needs to check out prior to the end of the school day, please do so before 2:15. There will be NO checkouts after 2:15 PM. Students will not be called to the office until the parent has arrived. Parents should make every attempt to schedule medical appointments outside of school hours.

(Please refer to the Tuscaloosa City Schools Code of Conduct for more details)


  • For the safety of your child, you may not call the school and change the way your child is riding home. You must send a note that morning with your child to your child's teacher. Please do not text or email them about transportation. We must have the transportation change in writing or your child will follow their normal routine.
  • Students are only allowed to ride the bus to which they are assigned. Riding on another bus with a friend is not permitted.


  • Please make sure your child has ALL the required items before leaving home each day.